Help us win A Community Thrives, part of the USA TODAY NETWORK, and get $25,000
We’re super excited to be part of an amazing campaign called A Community Thrives, part of the USA TODAY NETWORK, a friendly fundraising competition where organizations focused on community building initiatives compete to raise the most money for their cause.
We’re looking for our supporters to give as much as they can so we can win a $25,000 grant. And to help, each week there are Bonus Challenges which are opportunities to raise even more money and win extra grants for our cause.
The first one starts today and the 10 charities (five in each Tier) that raise the most funds online between Monday, March 18, 2019 at 12 p.m. ET and Monday, March 25, 2019 at 11:59:59 a.m. ET will each win $2,000.
To help, please Click and give what you can.
If you want to go a step further and join our fundraising team from that page (just click the “join” button), that would be even more incredible. Imagine the money we could raise together if you reached out to your network about our cause.