Music is an international language. The Geneva Music Festival is deeply appreciative of the opportunities we’ve had over the course of 10 years to share our local stages with artists hailing from around the world, including Jinjoo Cho (Republic of Korea), Ettore Causa (Italy), JP Joffre (Argentina) and Clive Greensmith (United Kingdom), among others. We look forward to celebrating happy times and wonderful music with them again this summer for our 2020 season.
In the meantime, the world is facing uncertainty and times are stressful. It’s no surprise to GMF organizers and friends that music is among the many tools people are using to stay connected or stay grounded. Below are just a few examples we hope will bring you some comfort and joy in these uncertain times. Please feel free to share with us on Facebook your own examples of music that makes you feel good when you need it most!
Italians are taking to their balconies to sing, play instruments and even improvise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q734VN0N7hw.
Yo-Yo Ma is offering what he calls Songs of Comfort via his Twitter profile.
And, we have some select pieces from previous GMF seasons on our YouTube page:
We’ll continue to share selections throughout the coming weeks.